Barn > 18
Barn 18
Using a wireframe sculpture, an inflatable ball, and a light source, Barn 18 is a shadow projection of a pole barn which slowly falls behind its horizon line over the course of 18 minutes.
Merce Cunningham (1919 - 2009) is regarded as one of the most important experimental choreographers in American dance. 'MinEvents' were devised as a way to find ways to incorporate Cunningham's work into a variety of venues, in particular for university dance departments. From the MinEvent guidelines:
Dance The material for a MinEvent may be drawn from four or more different dances by Merce Cunnuningham. The authorized stager responsible for teaching the MinEvent will begin by teaching the individual sections, and then will organize these sections into a continuous sequence. Two to three weeks of rehearsal are required to teach and coach a MinEvent. During this rehearsal period, participating dancers take daily Cunningham Technique classes to deepen their physical understanding of the movement.
Decor Event performances are often site-specific, and deliberately take advantage of the particular architecture or landscape of the gallery, museum, or outdoor arena being used. When an Event is presented in a theater, the designer or production manager often highlights the raw architecture of the theater by flying out legs and borders, or lighting backstage machinery. If a MinEvent is part of a larger repertory program, it may not be practical to strip the space in this way, but an effort should be made to make the MinEvent look different than the other pieces on the program. A local artist or visual art students might create an original drop or sculpture.